International Orthodox Tewahedo Alliance
A voice for Orthodox Christians persecuted in Ethiopia
“Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness’ sake,
For theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”
Matthew 5:0
ጥር 14 ቀን 2015 ዓ/ም በኦሮሚያ ክልል የተፈጸመውን ሕገ ወጥ ሹመት ተከትሎ በኢ/ኦ/ተ/ቤ/ክ ላይ የደረሱ ጉዳቶችን የሚያሳይ ልዮ ዘገባ ወጣ
መቀመጫውን በሰሜን አሜሪካ ያደረገው ዓለም አቀፍ ኦርቶዶክስ ተዋሕዶ ሕብረት (International Orthodox Tewahedo Alliance – IOTA) ጥር 14 ቀን 2015 ዓ/ም በኦሮሚያ ክልል የተፈጸመውን ሕገ ወጥ ሹመት ተከትሎ በኢ/ኦ/ተ/ቤ/ክ ላይ የደረሱ ጉዳቶችን የሚያሳይ ልዮ ዘገባ ያዘጋጀ ሲሆን ሪፖርቱ ዛሬ ጥር 14 2016 ዓ/ም ተለቋል። የዘገባው ዋና ዓላማ በጥር 14 ቀን 2015 ዓ/ም ከተከናወነው ሕገ ወጥ የኤጲስ ቆጶሳት ሹመት ጋር ተያይዞ በሀገሪቱ ባሉ አብያተ ክስርቲያናት፣ ካህናትና ምእመናን ላይ የደረሰውን ሰብአዊና ቁሳዊ ውድመት ማሳየት ነው።
ዓለም አቀፍ ኦርቶዶክስ ተዋሕዶ ሕብረት በተለየ መልኩ በቤተ ክርስቲያን ላይ እየደረሱ ያሉ ጉዳቶቸን ትኩረት አድርጎ ለዓለማቀፉ ማኅበረሰብ መረጃ ሲያደርስ የቆየ ሲሆን ግንቦት 2015 ዓ/ም ላለፉት 30 ዓመታት የደረሱትን ጥቃቶች ለመጀመሪያ ጊዜ መረጃዎችን በማሰባሰብ “ባለፉት ፴ ዓመታት ሰማዕታተ ክርስትና” በሚል ሪፖርት አዘጋጂቶ ማድረሱ ይታወቃል።
International Orthodox Tewahedo Alliance (IOTA) is a charity organization based in the United States that is established in 2019.
The primary focus is to support the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Churches and believers by providing financial, material, and manpower support to be self-sustained and freely practice the faith without intimidation and persecution.
ዓለም አቀፍ ኦርቶዶክስ ተዋሕዶ ሕብረት በቤተ ክርስቲያን ላይ ላለፉት 30 ዓመታት የደረሱ ጥቃቶችን የያዘ ሪፖርት አወጣ
መቀመጫውን በሰሜን አሜሪካ ያደረገው ዓለም አቀፍ ኦርቶዶክስ ተዋሕዶ ሕብረት (International Orthodox Tewahedo Alliance – IOTA) በተለየ መልኩ ከ2011 ዓ/ም ጀምሮ በቤተ ክርስቲያን ላይ እየደረሱ ያሉ ጉዳቶቸን ትኩረት አድርጎ ለዓለማቀፉ ማኅበረሰብ ሲያደርስ የቆየ ሲሆን በዚህ ዓመትም ላለፉት 30 ዓመታት የደረሱትን ጥቃቶች ለመጀመሪያ ጊዜ መረጃዎችን በማሰባሰብ “ባለፉት ፴ ዓመታት ሰማዕታተ ክርስትና” በሚል ይህንን ሪፖርት አዘጋጂቶ አቅርቧል። ዝርዝር ጋዜጣዊ መግለጫውንና የሪፖርቱን ሙሉ ይዘት ከታች በተቀመጡት ማስፈንጠሪያዎች ያገኛሉ።
Press Release from IOTA
Genocide in the Making
EOTC Under Attack
The plight of Ethiopian Orthodox Christians continues.
EHRC investigation report confirmed Crime against humanity
The Ethiopian Human Rights Commission investigation concluded that the June 29 – July 01, 2020 atrocities committed following the death of artist Hachalu Hundessa in several municipalities and towns of the Oromia region were “Crime against humanity and Atrocity Crimes”. The commission released a 59 page report detailing the massacre against innocent citizens where 123 people were killed, 500 were seriously injured and 6,468 citizens have been displace from their homes due to destruction of property and fear for their safety. The investigation highlighted that the atrocities were committed by well- organized mob driven from place-to-place and directed against ethnically Amhara people in cities and Christians in Muslim dominated towns. The report also confirmed that in some localities the atrocities began before the news of Hachalu’s killing was aired, suggesting the targeted attacks were pre-planned. The report also found that regional security officials failed to respond to victims’ pleas and in some instances stood silently while the attacks were going or provided cover for the assailants. Shortly after these crimes, the Holy Synod of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church issued a press release demanding for government authorities to protect the targets of the crimes and to bring the perpetrators to justice.
Read the full report here.
Prominent Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church (EOTC) leaders targeted for assassination
Prominent Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church (EOTC) leaders targeted for assassination according to the Federal Charges against Jawar Mohammed. Continue Reading…
Christians are believed to be the targets of the recent violence that followed the death of Artist Hachalu Hundessa.
Dr Negussu Legesse, director of Consortium of Christian Relief and Development Associations (CCDRA) and a former executive of the World Council of Churches (WCC), said that the the atrocities against innocent civilians and businesses in Oromia administrative region on June 29 & 30 are indicative of targeted attacks against Christians. Continue Reading…
Press Release
IOTA denounces the authorities’ abdication of their sacred duty to protect and defend the defenseless, the hateful rhetoric and incitement of ethnic and religious violence by the media, political activists and organizations. We support the current measures the federal government is taking to combat such actions and hope that there will be a transparent and fair trial for the accused. Continue Reading…
Inside Lalibela, the mysterious holy site
Secret Holy Land of Ethiopia

Our Mission
To empower the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo believers and communities
Our Vision
To create a better world where Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Churches and
believers can be self-sustained to freely practice their faith without intimidation
and persecution
Our Values
We will at all times seek strategic partnerships with other organizations, communities,
and individuals worldwide to advance our cause.
We are committed to respecting human dignity, and we will constantly demonstrate a fair and objective attitude towards those
whose opinions and practices differ from ours.